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Your generous donations will help us meet the needs of the Trust, in providing food for the elderly.


By becoming a Volunteer, you become a part of the Trust share in their vision. The world needs alot like you.

Charity with right vision

We are the one who enrich the lives of the downtrodden and elderly citizens.

our Acitivities

We help feeding the senior citizens on regular basis and also help children to get their education now we need your help to continue this.

Swetha marcus trust

Our Testimonial

In the year 2008 Marcus inspired a few people who joined him in his dedicated work in distributing useful articles for the poor people.


Watching their parent's charitable activities their children followed in their footsteps. They never turned away anyone who came to their doors for help . In 2015 the floods left many people homeless and children lost all their books too. Caitlyn and Grissel seeing this .... sacrificed their Christmas and new year clothes and toys to buy stationary kits for about hundred students which was much appreciated by the others.


The visit gave me an insight as to how focused the Staff at Swetha Marcus Trust were, to ensure that no elderly person went hungry. We are really happy to be a part of this organisation.


Swetha marcus Trust Activity

for good

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A donation is a gift for charity, humanitarian aid, or to benefit a cause.

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